IMOLOVE Moissanite Heart Ring
I’ve been waiting for this gorgeous piece from IMOLOVE to restock! Let me apologize in advance because my pictures do NOT do this justice…. at all. It is one of the most stunning rings I have ever seen in my life and trust me girl, I’m not young.
It’s something you’d see on Kate Middleton. The quality, shine and silhouette is worthy of royalty. Yes, it’s that beautiful. Set in sterling and a price that’s unreal. I’m quite certain I have every piece from this brand. I love them all. I always mean to gift them and honestly that never goes as planned because I always end up keeping them.
Beautifully gift boxed with that Tiffany vibe. Wear it without worry and gift it with grace. I adore it.
Clip the digital Q. It looks like it costs TEN times that much. Stunning.
See it here. —>