The Humble Warrior ®

Fashion & Lifestyle for Women

Look Good Feel Good Do Good

Fit for a queen

💎 💎 💎 Did you pass this Moissonite ring by? I’m surely glad I didn’t! It just arrived!!! So beautiful and affordable. It has that Tiffany vibe I love so much!! It’s literally fit for a Queen. So elegant and it’s got that “wow” factor. I’ll be wearing it on my right hand until one of these teen thieves take it. 🤣 You can easily layer this with your wedding band too. If you told me it cost $2,000 I would believe you. Lucky for me it’s no where near that! Be prepared for the compliments because you’re going to get a ton. 🤩
Clip the digital Q and enter JASQR51A to drop the price to just $34.99 while it lasts. I adore it!
JASQR51A Copied!
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